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About the Author

Julia Jackson

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I remember from a young age reading books as long as my eyes could stay open, hiding under the covers 'til late with a torch, convinced my parents had no idea! Books have always been my ultimate escape, education and entertainment.

I always knew I wanted to write a children's book, and my mum tried to convince me I could actually be an author ("You go girl!"). Yet I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to write about. So instead I watched my daughter grow and focused on reading hundreds of brilliant books to her. I saw how much they helped her reflect, learn and laugh!

Then someone simply said to me, "You should write about what you know".

So my author's journey began. I decided to write about what I continue to learn even now... how to live this life with optimism, self-belief and joy!

My dream is that these books help children find inner confidence in who they are. That the books help them accept themselves, what they can and can't change and how they deal with it. I want to remind them about the joy of their incredible imaginations, unique personalities and of being in the moment.

I have three books planned for this series. I hope you enjoy my first book, 'Exactly the Right Stuff'. It was a book that came straight from my heart.

You can follow Exactly Books to keep up to date about the books still in development. 

Thank you for being here.

And thank you to the incredible contributors who helped make my first book possible. Learn more about them below.


'Exactly the Right Stuff' would not be here today without the support of some key contributors. Learn more about these talented people below.

Meet the Illustrator

Genevieve's gorgeous, vibrant and engaging style of illustrations caught my eye straight away and I booked her without delay! Her unique characters and drawing style brought 'Exactly The Right Stuff' to life.

Jeanie Watson

Meet the Editor

Sometimes you get really lucky in that your best friend is a content writer and editor and lets you pay her in dinner and pot plants! Thank you Jeanie for your incredibly consistent and relentless passion for grammar and tense. You have been a support from the beginning.

Dawn Button

Meet the Graphic Designer

Dawn came on board to design the Exactly Books logo and has been a delight to work with. Thank you for your creativity and last minute support Dawn!

Book Readings

I would LOVE to come to your school, library, fete or bookshop for a book reading event!

Please contact me if you would like to organise a book reading event. Nothing would make me happier!

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